Antonie Grubisic 17-1, 1000 Skopje, R. N. Macedonia


An induction program for new employees

Salespeople today hit many roadblocks on their way to closing another deal. Calls get ignored and emails go unanswered. It’s hard to think outside the box, build a signature selling style, and start bringing value to the company, especially if people are new to the business. Before salespeople are ready to understand clients’ needs, handle rejections, build commitments, and pull off all the latest tips and tricks in the industry, they must be properly introduced and integrated into their organization.


Our Sales Incubator is a complete induction program, tailor-made to fit the individual specifications of our clients. De Mano consultants and experts have come up with a concise and comprehensive set of procedures, actions and strategies for the training and development of new sales employees, reinventing key aspects of this process in a way that guarantees results.

  • We establish an induction blueprint, streamlined, detailed, and unique to each organization.
  • We identify key roles and responsibilities.
  • The plan is streamlined, detailed and unique to each organization
  • We define conditions that must be considered for the success of the plan.
  • We coordinate and consult with senior leadership to ensure alignment of our solution to organizational strategy.
  • New employees are ready to start selling
  • New employees can make decisions on their own
  • Improved, streamlined integration of newly trained and qualified employees
  • A strong and expanded client list
  • Higher performance
  • Higher employee retention
  • Improved company results