Antonie Grubisic 17-1, 1000 Skopje, R. N. Macedonia


Get the full picture

Create an open culture that highly values the views and opinions of everyone in your organization. Build a climate of positive feedback and a long-term feeling of trust in the organization. Once teams are included in the 360-Degree Feedback survey, members tend to communicate and cooperate more readily, which ultimately leads to better decisions and higher performance.


The 360-Degree Feedback survey is a fair and transparent process of evaluation that reveals how employees see themselves and how others see them, offering a holistic perspective of everyone in the organization. It provides comprehensive and reliable information coming from all sides involved in the business process, from employees and managers, to customers, partners, and other stakeholders.
Процесот претставува холистички модел кој ги опфаќа сите во организацијата. Обезбедува сеопфатни и веродостојни информации собрани од сите страни вклучени во деловниот процес – вработените, менаџерите, клиентите, партнерите и другите заинтересирани страни.

  • De Mano HR consultants conduct a series of 360-Degrees Questionnaires.
  • Our deliverables include detailed reports and a presentation of all findings.

To individuals:

  • People understand how others view their work, achievements, and personality.
  • This reveals areas for improvement.
  • People build greater commitment to personal growth and development.

To teams:

  • Teams communicate and cooperate better.
  • Teams make better decisions and are committed to seeing them through.

To the organization:

  • Detailed performance information (qualitative and quantitative)
  • Talents (key employees) are identified
  • Information on the strengths and weaknesses of each employee
  • Improved career development for employees
  • Improved customer service by having customers contribute to the evaluation